We hope you caught us on the radio Thursday morning with Lori of Gradick Communications’ Community Voice program. On the air Chris McDowell, our Communication and Community Manager, joined Tiffany Landry, foodie rockstar and Nutrition Program Coordinator for Tanner Health System.
We had excellent fun discussing the POP Club (Power of Produce) program for kids. Learn more about the POP Club and join us the first and third Saturdays of each month. Don’t forget to bring the kids!
Also in our “on air” agenda, was discussing the Cooking Matters series, part of Tanner’s Get Healthy Live Well initiative which teaches you how to prepare and cook fresh, healthy meals for a family of FOUR for $10, with products you could find at the Cotton Mill Farmers Market! The Cooking Matters demonstration is typically held the third Saturday of each month.
Come join us Saturdays at 609 Dixie Street to get fresh!
#cottonmillfm #gradickcommunications #tannerhealthsystem #eatfresh #eatlocal #shoplocal #healthyliving #popclub #cookingmatters